Custom Duel Screen Nearing Completion

Once again, shout-out to the individual that donated a large portion to the project! Thank you SO much. That really helped get me out of bed this morning knowing that I can pay my power bill this month. 

I'd like to share some more good news. Over on YouTube, I posted a short 15 second clip of custom terrain/map selection for a custom duel in Duelists of the Roses Remake. The custom duel setup screen is almost complete which means we're nearing a beta release!

This was actually quite easy to implement, though it could stand to be prettied up a little bit. Your player save will be able to store custom terrains. I haven't put a cap on how many custom terrains you can save, but I may cap it at something like 50 or 100 just for practicality & save size sake. I plan on re-implementing all the duel fields from the original game, especially for the campaigns sake. 

Soon, I will have to make a Discord and have some people join for a beta release build testing phase of the Duelists of the Roses Remake. I've been very nervous about this release which is why I've dropped off the face of the earth, so I could spend as much time possible polishing. We're almost a year after the first time I teased this project, and the progress has been phenominal!

Get Yu-Gi-Oh Duelists of the Roses Remake (ALPHA)

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